Legends Never Die Photo Series #20


If you grew up in a western hunting family from the mid-80s to the late-90s, then you heard or watched videos of the legendary mule deer from the Wyoming winter range. Names like Popeye, Morty, and King Crab were talked about any time mule deer were brought up.

Mike Eastman and his videos brought this deer to the conscience of every mule deer hunter and immortalized these deer. We are lucky enough at Ehuntr to be working with A.Ellis who was able to photograph these incredible deer from 1989-1994. In installment #20 of this photo series, we are looking at another incredible photo of Popeye. Popeye haunted the winter range of western Wyoming for many years. Despite many rumors and claims, Popeye was never confirmed to have been killed by a hunter. Like all legends, the story of this buck grows every year. Some Wyoming residents even claim that Popeye lived well into the late 2000s. While that’s not necessarily impossible, it would make Popeye one of the longest living mule deer ever.

We hope you enjoy this photo as much as we do!
Photo Credit: A. Ellis


Legends Never Die is dedicated to bringing back the memories of bucks from the past that are “Legendary.” We have all seen photos of giant bucks from back in the hay day, and with jaws dropped open, have only dreamt about the chance at a buck of a lifetime like that. In this segment, you will see never before seen photos of Legendary deer like Popeye, Morty, King Crab, and many more.  This series of photos were taken by A.Ellis from 1989-1994 and brought back to life by us at www.ehuntr.com 

All these deer roamed public land in Western Wyoming, most never being taken by a hunter.  Many deer in this series will have several years of their photos. When coming up with a name for this series of photos we used a spin-off of one of our favorite movies, The Sandlot. 

Big Deer get remembered, but Legends Never Die. And I think you will all agree, these deer are true Legends of the West.  For any questions on these deer, or if you’re interested in seeing all the pictures in the series, make sure to follow us.

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