We all know Mark Zuckerberg as the founder of Facebook.  However, what many may not know about him, is that he enjoys hunting wild boar with a bow.  This hobby of his came about as a new year’s resolution to “kill what he eats.”  But, that resolution has since dissipated, but he nonetheless still enjoys the thrill of the hunt even though he doesn’t kill everything that he eats.  It is unknown how long he has been hunting or how much he plans to hunt in the future.

Why Feral Hogs?

There is a wide abundance of feral hogs throughout the state of California.  So it makes sense that he chose that species to hunt, since he does not have to travel too far from Silicon Valley.  It is already well-known of the amount of damage hogs cause to the landscape and crops.  Furthermore, it is unknown if this was a motivating factor for Zuckerberg to hunt them, or if it is simply because of the all-natural, purely organic pork chops and bacon.

However, Business Insider calls into question whether Zuckerberg was actually serious about killing feral hogs.  As reported, a popular meme created last year, for the purpose of debating “assault rifles,” depicted someone shooting feral hogs.  However, there seems no reason for Zuckerberg to have ulterior motives surrounding hunting.

Wild Hogs in California

Hogs are an invasive species of California, just like in many other states.  These animals are quickly spreading in every direction.  They are well-known for the immense amount of damage they cause to the landscape, causing great loss in crops, and to other resources that native species rely upon.  It is essential that more hunters become involved in hunting these creatures, as it is a seemingly “uphill battle” to control the population.

Do you find this surprising? Are feral hogs a nuisance in your state?


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