NEW JERSEY WANTS TO REMOVE DEER OVARIES – Nope, you did not misread that title. New Jersey wants to remove deer ovaries as a method of non-lethal herd management. It’s called an ovariectomy. The female version of a vasectomy. The decision isn’t final, but it is on the table and is being considered.

Michigan already tried deer ovariectomy as a non-lethal management option. Staten Island tried non-lethal management via deer vasectomy. It’s hard to believe we’re writing these things.

Doreen Frega, outreach director of the Animal Protection League of New Jersey, is leading this effort. She is indeed a well-meaning person with a love of natural flora and fauna. Although, as a hunter, it’s easy to disagree with much of what she says, she said something with which we can probably agree.

…the main cause of the death of adult deer is hunting; but, the practice does not reduce the population due to policies of the DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife.

State wildlife agencies should proactively implement urban deer management programs. Archery only urban hunting programs are successful. State agencies are typically slow, hesitant and may even overtly avoid these programs. Frega’s comments here are a clear signal to wildlife agencies everywhere that urban areas need archery hunting only deer management programs.

New Jersey hunters have an opportunity here to speak up with their majority voices. Especially, since recent survey data shows massive support for hunting. State agencies should not fear a potential minority outcry in the face of data.

The Wildlife Society published a six-year study on the results of deer ovariectomy. The study involved Cornell University, since it was the university’s 1,100 acre campus in need of herd management. In short, it didn’t work. What worked? What reduced the local herd by more than 50%… hunting and trapping/relocating.

The New York Bureau of Wildlife worked with the University and their “deer problem.” They aggressively issued permits until healthy herd numbers were achieved. originally reported on the prospect of deer ovariectomy in the state.

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