Tags for deer and elk in Oregon will be reduced. Oregon reducing tag numbers comes from a number of issues. Firstly, a large outbreak of EHD in eastern Oregon resulted in a die-off of white-tailed deer. The Walla Walla and Mt. Emily area also saw some mule deer affected by the disease. Some whitetail hunts have already been canceled this year due to EHD. Secondly, an uptick of AHD has been seen throughout the state. AHD is deadly to deer. Death can occur in three to five days after the deer is exposed. AHD is usually transmitted via nose-to-nose contact with an infected deer. AHD is worst during the summer and fall months. Thirdly, elk are doing well in eastern Oregon. Cow elk tags in the Imnaha and Chesnimnus units are being reduced because those units are now near management objectives.

“While not as severe as the EHD outbreak that caused a significant die-off of white-tails, we have continued to see AHD-caused mortalities of mule deer in central and south central Oregon for the last several years. Fewer mule deer were observed during population surveys in these units; so, we need to reduce tags. While cutting buck tags will not result in a population increase, fewer bucks are available as populations decline; so, tags need to be reduced to maintain buck ratios.”
– Kevin Blakely, ODFW Assistant Wildlife Division Administrator.

Complete List of Tag Reductions

A complete list of tag reductions for buck deer which was decided on during ODFW’s most recent meeting will be listed below.

Buck Deer Tag Reductions

  • Sprague Unit reduced from 660 -> 495 tags.
  • Paulina Unit reduced from 1,430 -> 990 tags.
  • Metolius Unit reduced from 350 -> 240 tags.
  • Metolius Unit Muzzleloader reduced from 37 -> 21 tags.
  • Bow Metolius Unit reduced from 20 -> 15 tags.
  • Hood-White River Unit reduced from 110 -> 83 tags.
  • White River Unit No. 1 reduced from 1,650 -> 1,210 tags.
  • Hood-N White River Unit reduced from 33 -> 22 tags.
  • Hood Unit No. 1 reduced from 660 -> 495 tags.
  • Northside Unit reduced from 1,100 -> 880 tags.
  • Ukiah Unit reduced from 1,870 -> 1,485 tags.
  • LikewDesolation Unit reduced from 990 -> 770 tags.
  • W Mt Emily Unit reduced from 495 ->385 tags.
  • Walla Walla Unit reduced from 245 -> 218 tags.
  • Wagontire Unit reduced from 212 -> 138 tags.
  • Interstate Unit reduced from 1,526 -> 1,308 tags.
  • Silver Lake Unit reduced from 1,980 -> 1,540 tags.
  • Fort Rock Unit reduced from 2,750 -> 1,870 tags.

ODFW states that the controlled hunts deadline remains May 15th, 2020. Likewise, if a hunter has already applied they can change their hunt application until June 1st, 2020. Subsequently, hunters can adjust their hunts via their online account. If you need further assistance you can also call ODFW at 503-947-6101.

What are your thoughts on Oregon reducing tag numbers? Let us know in the comments.


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