WYOMING EXTENDS SHED ANTLER CLOSURE – Wyoming has had a an emergency regulation in place that prohibited shed antler hunting until May 1st.  Due to the severity of the winter storms and devastating winter kill, that emergency regulation has been extended.

Details Around the Extension

The Wyoming Game and Fish announced on April 25th that they are extending the shed antler collection emergency regulation to 6 a.m. on May 15th.

“Big game animals have experienced a tough winter and are highly vulnerable to human-caused disturbances, such as being moved around by people on the landscape gathering antlers,” said Rick King, Game and Fish chief of wildlife. “The unnecessary use of energy and undue stress can increase mortality. Postponing the shed antler collection in some areas of the state will help minimize stress, protect big game and increase their chance of survival.”

The closure will not be for the entire state.  It is only in the southwest corner of the state, and it will not include Teton County.  Teton County will remain with the current date of May 1st.

Below is a map of the closure areas in the southwest portion of the state.

Photo Credit: WY G&F

The closure will also apply to the following habitat management areas:

  • Black Butte, near Pinedale
  • Grey’s River, near Alpine
  • Fall Creek, near Pinedale
  • Half Moon, near Pinedale
  • Luke Lynch, near Pinedale
  • Soda Lake, near Pinedale
  • Forbes/Sheep Mountain, near Laramie
  • Jelm, near Laramie (Closed to antler collection only.)
  • Red Rim-Daley, near Rawlins (Closed to antler collection only.)
  • Red Rim Grizzly, near Baggs (Closed to antler collection only.)
  • Pennock Mountain, near Saratoga (Closed to motor vehicle access and antler collection.)

“Shed antler collecting is not the only winter activity with the potential to disturb wintering wildlife. We encourage everyone to be aware of wildlife during this vulnerable period and do their best to not disturb them,” King said.

The shed antler closure extension is in an attempt to improve the survival of two main species.  Those species are mule deer and antelope.  There have been several videos on social media showing the devastating effects from the severe winter weather.  In previous articles, we’ve mentioned the impact that has taken place on these animals.  In some areas, truck loads of animal carcasses are being hauled away.

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