Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on several wildlife proposals. The proposals cover a wide array of wildlife management issues. Below we will cover some of the proposals and the information behind them.

2021 Wolf Season Changes

Consistent with direction from recent legislation and the wolf management plan, the department has assembled several snare safety options. These include:

  • Allow snaring on private lands during the trapping season and extend season dates. Likewise, snares must be equipped with a loop stop that will close to a loop no smaller than 2.5 inches in diameter (stop placed at no less than 8 inches from the end of the loop). Snares also must be placed such that the bottom of the snare loop is at least 18 inches above the surface. Power-assisted (e.g., spring-loaded) snare locks are prohibited on wolf snares on public lands.
  • To protect both lynx and grizzly bears, FWP also put some other safety items in the langue. A relaxing snare lock is required on snares in lynx protection zones. Snares must have a breakaway device rated at 1,000 lbs. or less installed on the loop end.

You can read more about Montana’s new wolf proposals by clicking here.

2021 Elk and Deer Muzzleloader Season

During the recent legislative session, HB242 was signed into law. That law directed the FWP to create a nine-day muzzleloader season for deer and elk. This new season will begin on the second Saturday following the end of the regular rifle season. As a result, The Department is recommending that any unused license permit valid during the general season for hunting deer and elk would be valid during the muzzleloader season. FWP believes this would lessen the administrative burden and hunter confusion.

2021 Elk Shoulder Season

Elk shoulder seasons are meant to supplement existing antlerless elk harvest. However, several hunting districts (HDs) currently remain above objective even with late shoulder seasons. As a result, FWP is looking to extend shoulder seasons to Feb. 15, 2022.

These are just a few of the proposals that FWP is seeking input on. If you would like to read more about them you can check out FWP’s website by clicking here.

So, what are your thoughts on these proposals? Do you plan on leaving a public comment? Let us know in the comments!

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