The Colorado secondary draw is now open. You can apply for the secondary draw even if you applied for the primary draw. During the secondary draw, permits that were not applied for become available for hunters to apply for. However, youth hunters have 100% preference in the secondary draw. This means that in the secondary draw all youth applications will be drawn prior to any adult getting a permit.

The secondary draw runs from June 16th through 8 p.m. MST, on June 30th. Application for the secondary draw can only be done online or over the phone. Permits that are not applied for during the draw will be placed on a leftover list. These leftover permits will be available to purchase on August 3rd.

The application fee is $ 7 for residents and $9 for nonresidents per species. Applicants that draw a permit in the secondary draw will not lose any of their preference points. Applicants must have one of the following licenses to be allowed to apply for the draw.

  • An annual spring turkey license.
  • 2021 annual small game license.
  • An annual youth small game license
  • 2021 annual resident combination small game/fishing license.
  • Veteran’s lifetime resident combination small game/fishing license.
  • Annual resident senior combo small game/fishing.
  • A disabled resident first responder lifetime combo small game/fishing.

Hunters can find more in-depth resources by checking out the CPW website. Likewise, you can use the Colorado Hunting Atlas. The Atlas gives hunters aerial maps, access roads, topo maps, and wildlife migration routes.

You can also check out the Hunter Resource Report. The Report allows hunters to create a list of contact information, field office locations, campgrounds, and more. Likewise, you can find videos and information as a part of the Department’s Elk Hunting University.

So, do you plan to apply for Colorado’s secondary draw? What are you going to hunt this year? Let us know in the comments!


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