The National Elk Refuge 2021 elk hunt starts soon. However, officials are making a few changes to the hunt. The National Elk Refuge’s 2021 elk hunt starts on October 12th and runs through December 12th.

During last year’s hunt, a hunter’s bullet ended up hitting a parked vehicle. Due to this accident, firearm hunters will still be able to access the northwest area of the Refuge through the northern hunt access gate. However, firearm hunters will have to remain on a designated route. Likewise, they will have to have their firearm unloaded when passing through the archery-only area.

The second change to the 2021 hunt season is the discontinuation of field-issued permits. Permits that were issued as field permits will now be managed online by the Wyoming Game & Fish Department. These permits will be administered through the Department’s Access Yes! Program. These permits will be called Alternate Refuge Permits within their system.

The application period for the 2021 National Elk Refuge 2021 elk hunt ends on Sept. 22nd. After that period closes hunters will have a second opportunity to obtain a permit. This is done by offering permits that were leftover from the first application draw. Hunting on the Refuge is allowed for the purpose of managing healthy herd levels. These hunts are managed jointly between the National Elk Refuge, the Wyoming Game & Fish Department, and the Grand Teton National Park.

If you are looking for further information about hunting the National Elk Refuge you can check out their website by clicking here.

We at Ehuntr have covered lots of information about hunting on the National Elk Refuge. You can find some of the information by clicking here. Likewise, we have interviewed Cris Dippel, Deputy Refuge Manager for the Refuge on our Ehuntr Newscast Podcast. You can listen to that interview by clicking here.

Have you ever hunted elk on the Refuge? Do you plan to hunt the Refuge in the future? Let us know in the comments!


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