WESTERN HUNTING EXPO CHANGES – Many hunters across the United States come to Salt Lake City each year to attend the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo.  The expo is one of the largest in the nation.  It is full of vendors, shows, competitions and much more.  However, due to COVID-19, there are a few changes this year.

Expo Attendance

The Salt Palace in Salt Lake City has been home to the expo for many years.  It is a large venue that is able to handle the large attendance.  For 4 days in February, hunters from all over come to the Salt Palace to enjoy one of the largest hunting expos.

Covid-19 has impacted so many things in our lives over the past year.  School attendance, occupations, family gatherings, and much more have been impacted.  The Western Hunting and Conservation Expo is not immune to the impact of the virus.

The expo staff announces several months ago that there will not be an in-person expo this year.  Instead, they are working hard to make the most out of this horrible situation that the country is in currently, and they are offering a virtual expo this year.

Virtual Expo

To attempt to retain the benefits and joy that come from the expo, the Western Hunting and Conservation expo are putting on a virtual expo this year.  Here are a few changes with the virtual expo:

  • Applications for the $5 permits are still being accepted this year, and 200 tags will be given out.  However, this year, there is NO in person validation.  The expo website does say that they will go back to in person validation in 2022.
  • Vendors and exhibitors are still providing discounts that are usually found at the expo.  Visit the expo’s website frequently to stay informed on those discounts.
  • The very popular live auction will still take place.  It will be held virtually, and the link to sign up for that auction can be found here.

COVID-19 has changed many of our lives, especially as conservationists.  Many of us will miss the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo this year, but it’s great knowing we can still participate.

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