Mountain lions are making headlines yet again in Colorado. This time, a pride of 8-10 lions was spotted wandering neighborhoods in the small town of Edwards, south of the Eagle River.
Based on reports, it is thought that there are two females each with a litter of 3 or 4 juveniles. The juvenile cats are nearly full grown. They are just as big, and some even bigger than their mother.
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife issued a warning on Thursday afternoon for residents to be on alert. “This is a troubling situation and we are very concerned for the safety and welfare of the people in this area,” said Northwest Regional Manager JT Romatzke. “We ask everyone to take this warning seriously.”
Unfortunately, lions encroaching on mountain towns is nothing new in Colorado. In the last 6 weeks alone, CPW has killed five problem mountain lions. There have also been multiple sightings, dog attacks, and carcasses found in the towns surrounding Edwards.
Just 2 weeks ago, a man was trail running at Horsetooth Mountain Open Space when a juvenile cat attacked him. He sustained serious injuries but was able to fight off and kill the lion.
While officials have not announced how they will handle the pride, they are closely watching the situation. Lion relocation may not be the best option. Several factors need to be considered as problem cats can become a nuisance to humans again in their new home, killed by other lions in the area, or die because of the stress of the move.
As the population increases and lions become less afraid of humans, people are left wondering if a new mountain lion management plan should be implemented. How do you think Colorado Parks and Wildlife should handle the increased mountain lion activity? Is it time for Colorado to allow more lion hunting?