OUTDOOR RECREATION PRODUCED $2 BILLION – Outdoor recreation is one of the biggest ways for state’s to obtain funds.  In fact, in Wyoming, outdoor recreation is a very large contributor.  In 2019, outdoor recreation produced almost two billion dollars worth of revenue for the state of Wyoming.

Outdoor Recreation Statistics

Many states require the funds from outdoor recreation to help boost their GDP.  Outdoor recreation includes many types of outdoor activities.  These activities include hunting, hiking, snowmobiling, camping and many other sports.  Most, if not all, outdoor sports require park passes, licenses or other types of fees.

Across the nation, outdoor activities generated over 459 billion dollars in revenue.  Wyoming was the fifth highest across the country as it relates to percentage of GDP.  The other states above them were Hawaii, Vermont, Montana and Florida.  Wyoming was also tied with the same percentage as Maine.

Other Contributions

Outdoor recreation doesn’t only contribute to the GDP.  There are many ways in which outdoor recreation helps specific states.  For example, outdoor activities create a lot of jobs in the workforce.  In Wyoming alone, outdoor recreation produced over twenty-one thousand jobs.  In a time where we’ve seen a huge increase in unemployment rates, the outdoor activities continue to create more job opportunities.

Another way in which outdoor recreation contributes is through conservation.  Conservation is a big reason why hunters choose to enjoy the passion.  There is something heartwarming about helping wildlife thrive in more areas.  Those that don’t understand hunting don’t understand how it helps conservation.  For those that don’t understand, the funds generated through hunting go directly into improving wildlife habitats, migration routes and much more.  Hunting isn’t the only activity that helps wildlife though.  Many other funds, such as park fees, also go into helping wildlife in many different ways.

It will be interesting to see the statistics of 2020.  In a year full of people unable to work and social distancing, many have turned to outdoor recreation.  One would assume that the financial income from these activities would also increase.

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