LEGISLATION TO OPPOSE UTAH WOLF INTRODUCTION – Wolves are a hot topic across the entire western United States.  We’ve seen wolves introduced in many states, including Wyoming, Idaho and Montana.  The 2020 Colorado Ballot also has measures to forcibly introduce wolves into Colorado.  Due to all the wolf introductions, Utah is taking a stance to stop the problem before it happens.

New Resolution

Representative Logan Wilde has introduced a new resolution that would oppose the introduction of wolves to ever take place in Utah.  The new resolution is H.C.R. 19.  Representative Wilde states:

“[The resolution] opposes the artificial human introduction of wolves into the Southern Rockies, specifically including Colorado and any area where the wolves will travel into or within the state of Utah which will result in widespread regional impacts and harm in the state of Utah.”

The resolution would not only prevent the artificial introduction of wolves into Utah.  It would also have an impact on the Colorado wolf introduction.

Wolf Migration

Wolves aren’t like some ungulates that migrate for winter and summer ranges.  Wolves travel in packs, and they will go wherever they can find food.  With the introduction of wolves into Colorado, Utah has a very good reason to be concerned.  Wolves will destroy the food source of an area.  Once they’ve done that, they will then travel to new territories.  The proposed Colorado introduction is in the northwest part of the state.  An area that would allow wolves to travel to Utah with ease.


Wolves can have a large impact on wildlife.  As stated in the introduction, wolves have been introduced into many states.  In those states, the big game herds and cattle have suffered severely.

We encourage everyone, especially those that are citizens of the state of Utah, to educate yourselves.  EHUNTR has published several podcast recently on the impact of wolves in different states.  Click the links below to listen to the podcasts.

Would you like to see this resolution passed?


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