Colorado lawmakers have rejected a predator hunting ban bill that initially had the support of several democrats. The main sponsor of the bill, Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Boulder County, early on stated that bobcat deaths were out of control in the state.

She also had this to say about bobcats in Colorado.

“In 2019 we lost nearly 2,000 bobcats. We already have so many threats to our wildlife in Colorado.” -Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Boulder County

Hunting Predators in Colorado Vote

Initially, the bill was supported by Democrats who mostly represent northern Colorado. However, many Democrats and Republicans on Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee opposed Lewis’ sentiment and sided with many hunters.

Hunters believed that hunting restrictions on both bobcats and mountain lions are not needed. As a result of this belief, many hunters rallied and contacted lawmakers across the state, asking them to oppose the bill.

During the hearing, where lawmakers discussed the bill, former CPW commissioner John Howard spoke out against the bill.

“Disruption of lion ecology is not a risk (from hunting). Colorado Parks and Wildlife has a rigorous process for mandatory education, strict quota limits on lions.” – former CPW commissioner John Howard

If lawmakers would have passed the bill it would have outlawed all hunting for both bobcats and mountain lions in the state. The only times these animals would have been able to be killed would have been for self-defense.

After debating the bill and hearing from Howard, lawmakers put the bill to a vote to move forward. The result of the vote was that the committee rejected the bill 4-1. This rejection makes the bill one of the first Democratic-sponsored bills to fail in a chamber controlled by the party.

You can read more about this bill by clicking here. Likewise, you can click here to read more Colorado hunting news.

What are your thoughts on lawmakers rejecting this bill? Have you ever hunted mountain lions or bobcats in Colorado? Let us know in the comments!

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