Hunting a small property

I’ve had a lot of success over the years hunting small properties and chunks of timber that most wouldn’t even think of putting a tree stand in. The smallest chunk I’ve hunted is less than an acre and have shot multiple deer on it. There are many different factors that come into play in order to be successful in these little places.

Know the surrounding area

You have to look at the big picture. Pull up your potential hunting spot on google maps to see what surrounding tracks of timber, creeks, and farm ground encompass the landscape. Everything in about a half-mile radius can affect how deer use these little hidey holes.


Scout Scout Scout

Summertime scouting from a distance can allow you to see where deer tend to pop out of bedding areas and hit up local food sources. Run trail cameras but check them less frequently than you would anything else. If possible use cellular trail cameras to your scent and education of the local deer to a minimum. Late season walks through these smaller chunks of ground allow you to see what paths get used more than others. You have to make sure that deer actually use these little honey holes, so scouting is a must.

Use your ninja skills

HUNTING SMALL PROPERTYKeep all pressure to a minimum. You do not want to educate these deer or let them think this safe haven could be dangerous. Find the best entrance and exit paths to minimize disturbing the area. This also means ONLY hunting on days when deer movement is at it’s highest. Early season you have to pay attention to the weather, keep a close eye on the barometric pressure. Major upticks in the barometric pressure tend to get deer on their feet, especially when paired with AM and PM movement times. When it comes to the rut, all early and late season tactics are thrown out the window. Doing all day sits allow you to catch cruising bucks looking for bedded does in these smaller tracks of timber. Have a stand set right in their bedroom.

There is, of course, a lot more that can go into this and every area hunts different, so use your knowledge of the land and local deer behaviors to optimize and tweak your hunting strategies for success.


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