OIL CHANGES IN COLORADO PROTECT WILDLIFE – There are definitely two sides of the coin when it comes to opinions on oil and gas in Colorado.  Colorado is home to a large chunk of oil production, which affects wildlife.  However, government officials and other individuals are working to protect wildlife while continuing oil production.

Proposed Rule

A new rule, proposed in June, works to balance development and conservation.  A big part of this new rule is changes to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC).  Their role is to regulate the oil industry in Colorado and approve drilling permits.  They have a large focus on protecting wildlife and the habitat in which they live.

The new rule focuses on three main areas:

  • Develop High Priority Habitats for elk, mule deer, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep.  These high priority areas include migration corridors and calving grounds.  They’re working to minimize how these areas are impacted by oil drilling.
  • Not allow development in high use areas such as migration routes.  Also, no more than 3% development on mid to low migration habitat.
  • Improved communication between the COGCC and the CPW.  If there are discrepancies or issues brought up by the CPW, the director of the COGCC will need to explain the need for development.

“The draft COGCC rules currently do not address how energy development should avoid migratory corridors and other crucial habitat for the state’s iconic and economically important herds of elk, mule deer, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep.” John Fiedler

Change in Mission

The changes listed above are an overall change in the mission of the COGCC.  In working with the CPW, development should be able to continue without huge impacts on wildlife.  If the proposed rule goes into effect, it will be the most advanced plan in any of the western states.  The goal is truly to continue development and production, without impacting animals and their habitat.

Do you agree with the proposed plan?  Have you seen areas where wildlife is impacted by oil and gas?

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