The CPW has provided a 2022 wolf reintroduction update. This update looks to clarify the wolf management plan process. This plan is known as the Colorado Gray Wolf Restoration and Management Plan.

The CPW-led planning process has been approved by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, which is the sole body responsible for creating and approving the plan as directed by the statute.

Last year the CPW held 47 public meetings. The purpose of those meetings was to gather feedback from the public in regards to wolves in Colorado. Additionally, the CPW appointed two advisory bodies. The Technical Working Group (TWG) and a Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG).

The update states that currently the TWG and SAG are working to create and present a draft plan to the CPW Commission in December 2022. This drafted plan is not a final plan, rather it will be used as a recommendation to the CPW. This Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan will outline the agency’s proposed path forward in restoring a self-sustaining population of gray wolves.

The overall goal of the CPW is to create a thorough and well-informed restoration plan. According to the CPW, this can only be done by gathering as many different viewpoints as possible. The CPW believes that creating the SAG and the TWG is a good start. They have asked the two groups to include things like restoration logistics, depredation compensation, non-lethal deterrent options, and sound management practices in their proposed plan. This needs to be done so that people who live close to the wolves, on a regular basis, feel supported.  It is the CPW’s hope that this updated plan will have these type of programs well outlined.

You can read more about this update by clicking here. Likewise, you can read more about Colorado hunting news by clicking here.

So, what are your thoughts on this update on wolves in Colorado? How do you think the wolves will affect Colorado? Let us know in the comments!

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