Hunters planning to travel for a western hunting trip this fall should check for wildfires before before traveling. Several states have already published advisories and some states even have federal restrictions in place due to wildfires.

We minimize the risks as much as possible, but something as random as a widow-maker can kill you out there. Do your due diligence to prepare for your trip by monitoring fire information in your hunting area.

Why to Check For Wildfires

Wildfire activity often changes rapidly. Some fires will impact public access to roads and public land. Additionally, wildfires can cause complete closures during hunting seasons. Hunters should check for wildfire impact to their hunting areas before traveling.

How to Check For Wildfires

There are several resources available online for verifying locations of active fires as well as fire restriction information.

InciWeb Interactive Fire Map


“InciWeb is an interagency all-risk incident information management system. The system was developed with two primary missions:

  1. Provide the public a single source of incident related information
  2. Provide a standardized reporting tool for the Public Affairs community
  3. Learn how to use and navigate around InciWeb with this support guide.

A number of supporting systems automate the delivery of incident information to remote sources. This ensures that the information regarding active incidents is consistent, and the delivery is timely.

Information posted on this website [InciWeb] is for information purposes only. For official information, contact the Wildfire Agency in the local area.”

Regional Wildfire Agency Links

Fire Restrictions

CHECK FOR WILDFIRES informs users:

  1. This website is dedicated to providing fire restrictions/closures information for lands managed by state, tribal and federal land management agencies.
  2. For the most current information, please contact the local, state, federal or tribal agency that manages the area you plan to visit or that you’re interested in.
  3. This website is NOT A REAL-TIME website; however, our goal is to provide timely and accurate fire restrictions/closures information. This website does not provide information on wildfires. 

Do you hunt in a fire risk area? Has a wildfire ever impacted your hunt?

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